Opening Hours: Weekdays 8.00 AM - 5.00 PM

See Our Products

We select the best brands and products of each specialty. Only one aspect matters; the best, in class and therapy.

Pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals and Medical devices.

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Why Choose Us?

Servo Pharmaceuticals is dedicated to being a great working place, that attracts, retains and develops a talented and diverse workforce united in the pursuit of our purpose and living our value. We promote a culture, both for employees and those third parties with whom we work, that delivers sustainable good performance and long term business success.

About Us
Newest Technologies

Cutting edge technology in our operations.

Taking Care of Nature

Environmental friendly means of operation.

Fair Prices

We are always mindful of our clientele in our pricing.

High Customer Satisfaction

Customer focus is one of our core values. We consider our customers in every decision and strive to understand their needs and act accordingly.

Servo Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Quality Healthcare, Empowering Lives.

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